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specialty shakes

A wide variety of additional instructional topics

In addition to the structured curriculums offered in our Embodying Shakespeare and Shakespeare’s Heartbeat residency programs, our collection of Specialty Shakes programs offer a variety of additional subject matter for students, which may be added or combined to supplement other Residencies or serve as standalone sessions.

Most of our Specialty Shakes sessions can be taught either in-person or virtually and are recommended for grades 4-12, although we can customize programs for younger students.  Pricing varies based on number of sessions, number of students/classes, number of teaching artists needed, required materials, and transportation.

specialty shakes programs

intro to shakespeare

Exploring Shakespeare’s time in the 1500-1600’s, specific arts and cultural aspects of society, and an introduction to Shakespeare’s language.


Students  connect to their authentic voices to create free and open sound grounded in the body. They explore breath, resonance, and articulation to become more confident and expressive speakers.


Students deepen their understanding of their bodies’ nuances and patterns, to explore emotional response and the relationship between movement and stillness, increasing self-awareness and self-expression through exploring non-verbal communication.


In this physically energized and interactive class students explore ensemble building and improvisation to create vibrant characters.  Our goal is to invigorate your students, build their self confidence and freedom of play!

stage combat

Students learn how actors create and choreograph filmed and theatrical fight scenes in one or more combat styles:

  • Unarmed (hand-to-hand)
  • Rapier
  • Broadsword

commedia dell'arte

Originating in 16th century Italy, Commedia employs masked “types” and a combination of scripted and improvised action serving a comical narrative.

world of shakespeare

Students delve into the 1500-1600’s and the history of theater, art, and society in Shakespeare’s time.

shakespeare in performance

Have your students explore the language and bring the text to lifeby performing an abridged version of your studied Shakespeare play.

scene / monologue coaching

One-to-three person scenes taken from your selected play, which will then be staged and presented to the class and/or school.